Apply a Loyalty Card to a Sale

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At any point during a sale, scan the customer’s loyalty card, just as you would a product.

If you prefer, you may type the customer’s phone number into the barcode field, as long as that phone number is linked to a loyalty account.

barcode field

If the loyalty car was accepted, you will see the below message, to which you may select Yes, meaning you would like to apply the loyalty card.


You will then see a message to the right of the transaction telling you a loyalty card has been applied to the transaction.

You may tap this message to remove the loyalty card if you wish.

tap to remove

If the customer wishes to use their loyalty points to pay, press the Pay button after you have added all products to the transaction, then select _Loyalt_y and specify the value you wish to redeem.


Continue as normal, choosing the next payment method for the outstanding balance.