This module simply allows us to manage all lodgements
It is split into three tabs: Lodgements, Verify Lodgements and History
Lodgements Tab
How to add a new Lodgement
In the lodgements module, select the Lodgements tab
This screen displays any lodgements that you are currently working on
Click the
button in the ‘Lodgements’ screen
A screen similar to that displayed below will appear
Reference - This is where you will record your lodgement number whether that is the lodgement number for the bank or for a company like GSL.
Notes - - Enter any notes for the lodgement in the ‘Notes:’ text field. Entering notes is optional e.g. inexplicable overages or underage’s
The lower half of this screen displays all Z-Reads that are not yet part of any lodgement Select the Z-Reads you wish to add to the lodgement by selecting the tick box beside the relevant read. By using the tick box, you can select multiple cash shifts in one go to lodge.
- Please note that this list is ordered by the 'Date Opened' in ascending order
- Date Opened - This is the date that the Cash Shift was opened.
- Date Reconciled - This is the date the till was reconciled on.
- Till - This is the till that the reconciliation belongs to.
- Type - This is the Tender Type you wish to lodge.
- Read This is the expected takings for the tender type.
- Declared - This is the actual takings declared for the tender type.
Lodgement Details Section
- As you tick on the left-hand side, the different till shifts you are now going to lodge money from, at the bottom of the screen it shows you an accumulation of how much you're going to lodge.
- Type - This is the tender type you are lodging.
- Opening - The ‘Opening Balance’ is calculated and displayed based on the previous lodgement’s ‘Closing Balance’ for that specific tender type
- Declared - this is the declared balance, or the actual amount declared on the till shifts selected.
- Read - This is the expected balance on the till shift selected.
- Lodged - This is the lodged amount based on the Tills you have selected to lodge on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Closing – As we amend the lodged amount which in turn adjusts the + / - figure before we complete the lodgement, we need to enter the adjustment amount into the closing field. This figure then gets carried over to the next lodgement as an opening balance.
Next Lodgement
Opening Balance has carried over from last Lodgement created.
In the example below I have added the €1 to the Lodged field amount to bring the lodged amount to €51. If this was not done then the Closing field would still carry over the €1 until it was added to a lodgement.
+/- - If you edit the largest figure to be less than or greater than the value of the selected till then the difference will be shown in the plus or minus section.
There are a few things we should note about the ‘Lodgement Details’ section in particular
As you select more Z- Reads of the same tender type the declared and lodged values at the bottom half of the screen will increase accordingly. Different tender types are displayed separately in this part of the screen
You can amend the lodged quantity in the ‘Lodged’ text field once the Z-Read has been selected
As we amend the ‘Lodged’ quantity, the amount in the ‘+/-‘ or the ‘over/under’ column will change accordingly. Before we save or Lodge the lodgement all the values in this column should read 0. To do this we can alter our closing balance (increase your closing balance by the amount displayed in the ‘+/-‘ column)
Once you have selected and possibly ordered all the Z-reads you wish to add to the lodgement, you have two options:
- Click the
button. This will move the lodgement to the main screen of the Lodgements tab. From there you can delete, edit and later lodge the lodgement
- Click the
- Click the
button. This will lodge the lodgement you have just created, straight away. The lodgement will not appear in the main screen of the lodgements tab but instead in the main screen of the Verify Lodgements tab.
Once you have been to the bank and can confirm that the amount lodged equals the amount listed in the lodgement, we can complete the last stage 'Verifying a lodgement'
Verifying a Lodgement
Please click on this article link for information on how to Edit/Delete/Lodge a Previously Saved Lodgement