This module simply allows us to manage all lodgements 0374EA6C-CFDF-49EB-ADAF-979C773B7BCB

It is split into three tabs: Lodgements, Verify Lodgements and History


Lodgements Tab

How to add a new Lodgement


Reference - This is where you will record your lodgement number whether that is the lodgement number for the bank or for a company like GSL.

Notes - - Enter any notes for the lodgement in the ‘Notes:’ text field. Entering notes is optional e.g. inexplicable overages or underage’s

Lodgement Details Section



Next Lodgement



Once you have been to the bank and can confirm that the amount lodged equals the amount listed in the lodgement, we can complete the last stage 'Verifying a lodgement'

Verifying a Lodgement

Please click on this article link for information on how to Edit/Delete/Lodge a Previously Saved Lodgement