How to Edit/Delete/Lodge a Previously Saved Lodgement

In the lodgements module, select the Lodgements tab This screen displays any lodgements that you are currently working on.


To delete the lodgement and unassign the Z read(s) attached to the lodgement click the FEF06DF9-830F-4DE3-9719-A4993596EF8D

To edit/lodge a previously saved lodgement click the 773C3E79-A8C8-4125-8848-4A148B258087 button

The lodgement's information will load in a manner similar to that displayed below


From here you can:

Select Z-Read(s) to add to this lodgement

Edit the Reference/notes field attached to the lodgement

Edit the Lodged/Closing balances of any tender type in the lodgement

Lodge the lodgement by clicking the 81B21C5C-DD7D-49E0-8B76-215B438D835Fbutton

Please Note: If changes are made and you do not wish to lodge the lodgment at that time please click the B7E10D38-9BAF-4C86-8B04-DFF04D54B579 button

Please click on this article link for information on how to create/completing/verifying Lodgements