Processing Items in the Script Queue
To see when new items arrive in the Script Queue, a counter is displayed at the top of the screen in RX 365. This will only appear when no patient is selected and when the Complete Action is set to Clear Patient
From the dispensary, you can access the Script Queue in three ways:
1. By pressing Alt + Q on your keyboard
2. Going to the Script Uploads module on the Back Office
3. Double-clicking on the Script Queue counter displayed at the top of the screen when a patient is not selected (shown above)
The Script Queue is split into 4 sections:
Scripts - All scripts in the queue that are either waiting to be processed or in progress
New Patients - All patients that are in the queue but have yet to be set up on RX 365
Ready - All scripts that have been completed through RX 365 but have not yet been scanned through the Till
History - All scripts that have been collected and scanned through the Till
By default, the Ready page is the one that opens. From here, you can see all scripts in the queue ordered by their expected Collection Time.
Any items with a Status of "Unscheduled" have not yet been assigned or started.
When you are ready to start a script, select it from the list by clicking it, and press the Start Fulfilling Script button.
The status of the Script Queue record will change to "Started" and the "Assignee" will be set to the currently logged-in user
The patient's PMR will then open and all of the items previously selected on the EPoS system will be highlighted automatically
The next step is to dispense the items.
- Note: If you need to go back to view the Notes against this record in the Script Queue, you can do so by pressing Alt + Q at any stage
Once the script is completed through RX 365, the Script Queue will automatically open to this script. You need to mark the script as Completed so that the EPoS team know it can be collected by the patient. To do this, press the Mark Script as Complete button.
The script is now moved through to the Ready page.
- To view the status of the script from the EPoS system, you can load up the patient's PMR again (as described above). The status of the script is displayed at the top of the screen
When the patient arrives in to the pharmacy to collect their script, the bag can be scanned through the EPoS system as normal.
Once the sale has been completed, the Script Queue record is marked as Collected and gets moved through to the History page.