You can set up customized Templates to send to customers in this section. Please note that there is a character limit of 160 per text message. If your message is longer than this then it will send in two or more messages. You can keep track of how many characters you have used by the character counter on the text message template
From the patients PMR, click on "send SMS"
The "send Ad Hock SMS" window will open
Double click on the "SMS Template" dropdown
The "Maintain SMS Messages" window will open
To create a new SMS Template press the Insert Button
This screen will now appear and you can create a custom SMS
You can now add information for the base of your template from the side bar options
I would recommend as in this example( to select the information double click on the relevant line twice to add to template)
Type the general message that you want to send when selecting this Template
Press save button to save template details
Name your template in the next window
Press Close button when finished setting up template
The template will now show in the list for selection
Click on following article to see How to send a SMS to a patient