United Drug (UD) has made Advanced Shipping Notices (ASNs) available for certain stores. The ASN contains all of the items that were picked and added to the totes at the UD warehouse. This is a final confirmation of the quantities that will be delivered to the store.


If you have an agreement in place with UD to receive ASNs then you need to configure Retail 365 for this by going to Config > Suppliers, choosing UD and selecting the option “This supplier sends Advanced Shipping Notices”.


Note: In a group situation this setting needs to be turned on for each store

If the supplier is set up to receive ASNs then you will no longer be able to check in these orders from Orders > Waiting To Check In. Instead you need to go to Orders > ASNs instead. All outstanding ASNs are displayed on screen:


An ASN can contain responses for multiple orders and similarly an order can be split across multiple ASNs - it all depends on how UD creates their invoices. As you can see above the ASN 12599 contains responses for two orders. If we view this ASN we can see the line level detail:


On this screen we show the order number and each product that is covered by this ASN. You do not have the option to change the delivered quantities and it is assumed the ASN is correct - if you find that this is not the case you must contact United Drug. Pressing “Confirm Delivery” will check in each item and update the stock quantities.
