Searching for a Prescription\Script
- In Touchtsore Rx and Rx365 there are multiple ways of searching for a dispensed script.
1. By Navigating to the patient's PMR.
Use the scroll on your mouse to scroll through the dispenses or use the down/up arrow on your keyboard to move up & down the dispenses. There is a History button that you can press to view older dispenses
2. Using the Advanced Search tab to search by Form Number.
This tab allows you to search based on different criteria such as Form Number. To do this:
Click Advanced Search or press ALT + A on your keyboard
You will br brought to the Standard Search screen, Select Advanced Search from the blue bar
Select Dispense Script Form Number as shown above
In the Form Number box type in the form number for the script & click search
Form Numbers are in the format of DR2002/0357
These print out on Prescription Receipts and are visible on a patient's PMR
- Select the patient from the list & press OK. You will now be brought to the patient's PMR.
3. Using the Advanced Search tab to search by Product Dispensed
Click Advanced Search or press ALT + A on your keyboard
Select Product Dispensed
In the Product box, type in the name of the item you want to search for any patients whom it was dispensed to
In the Dispensed From and **Dispensed To*** box fill in the relevant dates for your search
You can use the All / On Loan / Owings / Phased buttons to specify if you only want to search for particular kinds of dispenses. E.G. Phased will only show you patients who have a phased dispense for the chosen item with the specified date range.
Select the patient from the list & press OK. You will now be brought to the patient's PMR.
4. Using the Advanced Search tab to search using the Multi-Field Search
Click Advanced Search or press ALT + A on your keyboard
Select Multi-Field Search
From here you can search by the following:
- First Name, Surname
- Alias, Title
- Eircode, Address
- Date of Birth (D.O.B)
- Gender
- By contact i.e Telephone, Mobile, or email address
- Prescriber
When you have entered in your criteria, click the Search
The patient will then appear, select the patient and press OK