Card Checker Colour Scheme
##Card Checker Colours Explained: + **Flashing Red -->** Card Number is not valid !
Colour Codes Explained - Dispense Types & Product Search
##Dispense Types on a Patient File (PMR) + **Pink -->** Items Not Given to patient
Dispensing - Entering Dispensed, Prescribed and Owed Quantities
+ **DRUG:** Typing into this field will start your search for the product you are dispensi
Dispensing - How to Dispense a Phased Item
+ Search for the Patient using the patient search or by clicking **F2** on your keyboard a
Dispensing - How to Dispense a Reference Priced Item
##The patient accepts your preferred pack which is priced at the reference price + Sele
Dispensing - How to Edit a Past Dispense
##Edit a Past Dispense + Search for the Patient using the patient search bar or by clic
Dispensing - How to Enter Drug Directions & Codes When Dispensing
###DOSAGE: + Enter here the Dosage Code for directions already entered in the system, e
Dispensing - How to Insert a New Dispense / Add Notes to a Drug
+ Displayed in the below screenshot, **Section A** displays historical dispensed drugs.
How to Change a Doctor
This article will explain how to change a doctor on a script. For an individual drug:
How to Check all interactions of a selected drug
+ To see all interactions of a selected drug, press **ALT O** or click on **Modules*. +
How to Check if there is an Interaction against All Dispensed Drugs
To see if there is an interaction against all dispensed drugs before you dispense them, pr
How to Check if there is an Interaction against Two Selected Drugs
To see if there is an interaction against all dispensed drugs before you dispense them, pr
How to Delete a Script\Delete One Item from a script
##How to Delete a Script + Navigate to the Patients PMR + Highlight the script you
How to Forward Date/Back Date a Dispense
+ While **editing** a dispense or **inserting** a new dispense, press **Select All** +
How to Repeat a Previous Dispense / Repeat Multiple Items
##Repeat a Previous Dispense + Navigate to the patient's PMR + Select all of the it
How to Search for a Prescription\Script
##Searching for a Prescription\Script + In Touchtsore Rx and Rx365 there are **multiple
How to Select the Scheme/ Script Type While Dispensing
+ **SCHEME:** Select the scheme that the drug will be dispensed on + **EMER SUPPLY/LOAN
How to use the Product Search Filter while Dispensing
Above the **DRUG** search field, there are **four** options that allow you to adjust the f
How to View Directions on a Drug Label
+ Search for the Patient and open their PMR + Highlight the item you want to view the d
How to View the Costs of a Dispense
**TOTAL COST:** The total cost of the drug, including fees, markup etc. **EXTRA CHARGES
Loan Prescriptions - How to handle
##How to put through an item On loan + Search for the Patient using the patient search
Not Dispensed Items
This article will advise on how to mark and item as not dispensed on a script. Go to th
Owings - Discharging an Owed item
##How to Discharging an Owed item + Navigate to the Patient PMR by using the patient se
Owings - Inserting an Owing
+ Navigate to the Patient's PMR + Click **New Script** (KEYBOARD: ALT + I) + Search
Repeat Prescriptions - How to handle
##How to Insert an Item that has Repeats + Search for the Patient using the patient sea
Short Keys
+ You can use the mouse or the keyboard for dispensing. Keyboard short keys are shown belo