This article will explain how to change a doctor on a script.

For an individual drug: This can be done by selecting the drug which the GMS DOCTOR needs to be changed on and selecting the DOWN ARROW beside SELECT ALL and choosing GMS DOCTOR from the menu.


You can also on the left-hand side of the dispensing screen, there is a tab named ADD INFO


If you wish to change an individual Drugs GMS DOCTOR you can do so by selecting the Drug which needs the GMS DOCTOR changed. You can then enter the beginning of the GMS DOCTORS Surname as done so above in the GMS DOCTOR search box You can also double-click in the GMS DOCTOR search box to open the MAINTAIN PROFESSIONALS FIELD and enter the Surname.

For multiple drugs: On the dispensing screen select the SELECT ALL option and GMS DOCTOR. This can be done using the mouse or ATL and A


Then press G on the keyboard


You can then change the GMS DOCTOR by searching for the doctor in the drop down menu or typing the beginning or the GMS Doctors Surname in the search bar. In the below example the GMS DOCTOR being searched for was Joe Bloggs. In the search box Blog was entered and any GMS Doctor with that Surname will appear in the field underneath the search box


NOTE - If you enter multiple Drugs on when dispensing and there is more than one GMS DOCTOR the dispense will be split into different Scripts with different Form Numbers. The same occurs when there are multiple schemes on a dispense, they will have different Form Numbers.
