How to Discharging an Owed item
- Navigate to the Patient PMR by using the patient search or clicking F2 on your keyboard
Highlight the item
The Dispense Owings box will then appear
Click Discharge Owing --> You will notice the "Next Repeat" button is greyed out. This is because the Owing Transparency ONLY applies to DE, EM, EU, GM & GR schemes.
- The DISPENSED QTY will automatically be set to what the patient is OWED
Click Complete ( KEYBOARD: ALT + M )
The Owing has now been discharged
'Next Repeat' for a non Owing Transparency Scheme
To repeat an item that has an owing under a non Owing Transparency Scheme E.G DP click the item & select Repeat (KEYBOARD: ALT + P )
The below box will then appear, click Next Repeat
- The next screen will then display the item with the full Dispensed & Prescribed qty (the full qty of the previous owed script)
Click Complete (KEYBOARD: ALT + M )
Your dispense will be displayed similar to the below