Enable SMS Function for Loyalty Customers on their Birthdays

You can configure the system to automatically send an SMS to a loyalty customer on the day of their birthday. To enable this functionality, firstly you will need to tick the customer has agreed to be contacted via SMS on their loyalty account that is set up. Once that is ticked, simply select a Birthday SMS Template in the Loyalty Config screen. Once this template is selected, the system will start to send out SMS messages automatically on the day of the customer’s birthday.


If you don't already have an SMS Template setup, you can do this in the SMS Templates section in Config.

Enable SMS Function for New Loyalty Customers

You can configure the system to automatically send an SMS to a customer once they sign up to your loyalty system. To enable this functionality, simply select a Welcome SMS Template in the Loyalty Config screen. Once this template is selected, the system will start to send out SMS messages automatically when a new customer signs up for a loyalty account.


If you don't already have an SMS Template setup, you can do this in the SMS Templates section in Config.