Creating & Selling Baskets on the till
Baskets that are created on a till can only be sold on that till.
Activating baskets on the till
On each till you create and hold baskets, subsequently selling them at a later date. To activate the baskets facility you must first go to EPoS Manager, click Terminal Configuration, and Click on Hamper Hold. This will now read Basket Hold
to save
This Utility is available on each till. Each till has the ability to create up to 99 Baskets. If a basket is created on one till it can ONLY be sold/collected at that till. It is clearly visible on each basket receipt, which till it was created at
How to Create and Hold a Basket at the till
Two receipts will be printed one to be attached to the basket and the other for the customer to collect the basket subsequently (if the Basket is not for a specific customer the second receipt is of no relevance on this occasion)
Log into the sale screen of the till
Scan the items to be put into the basket
Then YES to save the new basket
Selling a Basket
Go to the till that the basket was set up on. (The Basket number and Till number are displayed on the top of the receipt)
Log into the sales screen
Press Sell Basket
Press the basket number; the contents of the basket are displayed on the sale screen
You may amend the contents or add more if required to the sale at this point
Total the sale as normal.