In order for a Loyalty Customer to Redeem their Points Balance against sales at the Till their Loyalty Account must first be Activated.
You can see the active status of a Loyalty Account in the Back Office in the list of Loyalty Accounts. Activated accounts will have a ✔ (tick mark) under the Active heading. Accounts that have not yet been activated will have a blank tick box.
- When creating a Loyalty Account at the Till, if you have specified an Email Address then an Activation Email will be sent to the customer asking them to click an internet link and Activate their Account.
- Once the customer has activated their account it will update the Active status in your Retail 365 system for that customer's account and they will be able to redeem their point balance against Till Sales (providing that their Balance Value meets or exceeds the Minimum Redemption value you specified when setting up the Loyalty System).
If there was no Email Address specified or if you would like to activate the account manually for the customer, you can do this in the Back Office:
- Sign into the Back Office & select the 'Accounts' tile
- Select 'Loyalty Accounts' from the left-hand side menu.
- Find the Loyalty Account
- You can use the Filter this list box at the top of the screen to search based on the Name or the Loyalty Card Number used to identify their account
Once you've found the Loyalty Account you want to Activate, click the pencil icon for that account
You will then see the Edit screen for the selected Loyalty Account.
In order to Activate the account, simply tick the box This loyalty card is active and then click Save. The Loyalty Account is now activated and ready to be used to Redeem a points balance against Till Sales.