How to create a new Loyalty Account on the Till
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Once you have signed into the till, select the New Loyalty Account tile.
In the next screen, scan the loyalty card into the box, or type in the person’s phone number, then press Search.
To the resulting message, select Yes to set up a new loyalty account.
Fill in the information requested on the next screen. If you wish, you may choose to give them an opening points balance. Press Save Account.
Note: if you have specified an Email Address then an Activation Email will be sent to the customer asking them to click an internet link and Activate their Account.
- Once the customer has activated their account it will update the Active status in your Retail 365 system for that customer's account and they will be able to redeem their point balance against Till Sales (providing that their Balance Value meets or exceeds the Minimum Redemption value you specified when setting up the Loyalty System).
- If there was no Email Address specified or if you would like to activate the account manually for the customer, you can do this in the Back Office - click here to find out how to do this Activating a Loyalty Account on the Back Office